Passage 02- Nairobi Church

I touched down in Nairobi, Kenya on Saturday at 7:00 pm their time.  Three wonderful Christian believers greeted me when I walked out of the airport.  They escorted me to my hotel.

I struggled to sleep through the night (a combination of excessive street noise, people talking out loud and jet lag).  But I managed to get about 6 hours of sleep.

Sunday morning I arrived at a church in Nairobi at about 10:00 am.  I taught from 10:30 am until 11:30 am, from 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm and a third time from 4:30 pm until 6:10 pm.  I had prepared a lot of possible teachings.  I went by inspiration, always asking the Lord what I should teach next.  I will share more about the content of those teachings in a future episode.

How I had that much energy after flying all day and night on a plane the previous day and then getting not so much sleep the following night can only be explained as “God-induced energy.”  I know that many people were praying for me and I believe their prayers had a lot to do with it.

There were about 70 people in the church.  I taught each session with great enthusiasm and conviction.  I was amazed to see such a captive audience for such long teaching sessions.  I fed off of it, as I am sure they fed off of me as well.

After the morning sessions I prayed for two people who came to the front asking for prayer.  I didn’t receive any specific revelation and so I prayed for basic things.

After my final teaching of the day I hung out and fellowshipped with many from the group.  They gave me lots of positive feedback and were asking me when I will be returning for another visit.

I went back to the same hotel.  There is no air conditioning and loud noises to deal with from outside.  But hey, I am only paying $20 a night.  And it does have a hot shower.

I rented a car and a driver.  We are scheduled to depart for Segera Mission the next morning at 5:00 am.   I will be spending a full day exploring the mission.  To learn more about the mission, go to, click on ‘What We Do’ and select “Pappy’s Story.”

Samuel Mugwika will also be meeting me there.  A friend of mine from the USA had connected me with him and asked for me to visit him if at all possible.  My friend has known Samuel for more than twenty years.

And they said to one another, “Did not our hearts burn within us as he was speaking to us on the road, as he was opening the scriptures to us?”

Luke 24:32  REV