Passage 02- First Day at Remera

The drive to Remera from the home of my host was about 20 minutes.  When I walked into the church, I was immediately greeted by two men who had traveled there from DRC Congo.  Both were dressed in nice suits with ties.  Their faces were beaming with a big smile as we shook hands.  They seemed as happy to see me as I was to see them.

One requirement I have for these training classes is that those planning to attend from far away are required to pay for their own travel expenses and lodging.  These men were glad to do that.

I spent many hours planning what I would teach to this group.  But, just before it was time for me to walk to the podium, I received a clear thought to teach on “The Lordship of Jesus Christ.”  So, I quickly grabbed my notes on that subject and headed up front.  I followed that by teaching, “We Are Special Because God Says So.”

A big advantage to having a small group like this is the ability to open the meeting up for questions, with everyone who desires getting an opportunity to contribute.  One person explained that someone they loved dearly had died prematurely.  They wanted to know why God had allowed this to happen.  To answer this question, I decided to teach “Turning Darkness into Light.”  You can access this teaching in video, audio and text document format from my website.

My daughter led everyone into singing an English song.  It was quite fun.  Just after 12 noon we took a break to eat lunch together.  We wrapped up our fellowship around 2:30 pm.

God wanted to make known to them what is the riches of the glory of this sacred secret among the Gentiles, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.
We proclaim him, admonishing everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we can present everyone mature in Christ.
And I am laboring for that goal, striving in accord with his working that works powerfully in me.

Colossians 1:27-29  REV

3 thoughts on “Passage 02- First Day at Remera”

  1. Pastor Dennis Mokua Morira

    Great work of ministry may the Lord indeed bless Bible application ministry and expand the territories by providing and guiding all the members and partners amen.

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